On My Own ft. The Chattertocks, Meyer Joseph


This is a song about remembering to surround yourself with people who support and love you. Big big big shoutout to Covey Carpenter and the Chattertocks who poured hours into this song and brought it alive. I cannot thank them enough.


From these fears,
Brick by brick, resistance in my heart.
But lately, I want to take a chance,
And we'll talk for a while.
Radiant girl, are we in a dream?
Can you remember if it's blue or green?
For now I'm on my own.

From these tears,
Glyph by glyph, etched into the paint.
If every night you sing a lullaby into the dawn,
No matter what you tell yourself, I'll think your love is stronger than you know.
Radiant boy I'll be your go-between.
Can you remember how it used to be?
You're never on your own.


Vocals: The Chattertocks (Brown Uni.), Cynabel
Piano: Cynabel
Bass: Mike Fishman
Vocal production: Covey Carpenter, Ben Schenerman
Production: Ben Schenerman, Covey Carpenter
Special thanks: juno